About Wandernest Tales

Welcome to Wandernest Tales, where storytelling meets creativity and family bonding takes center stage. Founded by Reha Bhatnagar, the brainchild of digital advertising pioneer Prabhat Bhatnagar, Wandernest Tales is a culmination of passion, innovation, and the joy of shared experiences.

Our Story

At Wandernest Tales, our journey began with a simple idea born out of the playful interactions between Prabhat and his daughter, Reha. As a creative director in esteemed digital agencies such as Webchutney and Digivaasi, Prabhat’s expertise in storytelling and animation was unparalleled. He often delighted Reha with custom animations featuring their family’s faces, sparking laughter and imagination.

From these cherished moments emerged the inspiration for Wandernest Tales. Reha, infused with creativity and a love for storytelling, envisioned a platform where families could embark on magical adventures together. Drawing from her childhood experiences, she recognized the power of personalization in creating unforgettable memories.

Our Mission

At Wandernest Tales, we believe that storytelling is more than just words on a page—it’s a journey of discovery, learning, and connection. Our mission is to empower families to learn, laugh, and grow together through personalized story experiences.

The Power of Personalization

What sets Wandernest Tales apart is our commitment to personalization. By incorporating faces and characteristics of real families into our stories, we create immersive and engaging experiences that resonate on a deeply personal level. Every story becomes a reflection of your unique family, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness like never before.

Meet Reha Bhatnagar

Reha Bhatnagar

Leading our creative endeavors is Reha Bhatnagar, a young visionary with a passion for art and storytelling. Currently pursuing her artistic pursuits alongside her contributions to Wandernest Tales, Reha brings a fresh perspective and boundless creativity to our team.